Best Technology Blogs

Technology Blogs and the Writers Who Pen Them

07/07/2014 09:31


If you're reading about a new piece of technology that is out on the market, chances are it is already obsolete. The latest model of the latest gadget just launched and somebody is already working on its replacement. Unless you're following technology blogs by the best technology writers, you're most certainly missing out. There's plenty of blogs, so if you're interested in getting in on the latest news so you can know what to buy, you should start now. There are several reasons that you should be listening to these blogs and not some salesman at your local tech store.


It doesn't cost you anything to obtain incredibly valuable information. Most tech bloggers aren't out to make a lot of money, so they likely won't be charging a fee for you to read their latest news and notes from the electronics world.


If the information isn't enough for you, many of these bloggers won't hesitate answering questions you post on a variety of topics. Should you post any kind of message for the Tech Content Writer on a chat board under a specific topic, expect other readers to chime in, attempting to help you solve whatever problem or question it is that you posted. The more that people struggle with a certain topic, the more likely it is that the topic is something that many others relate to, possibly leading to full articles written on these topics by the tech blogger.


Tech writers that have a lot of readers probably acquired the readers because they write for the layman. Few people like to feel stupid while reading about something they're already unsure about.


The best technology writers update their sites on a regular basis. As we discussed earlier, this is a subject that changes from second to second, so if you wait a day or two before you update a story or perhaps update information on the Technology Blog, you're already two or three days behind. You'll find that most technology writers update their blogs regularly, not just for your benefit, but because the more often they post, the more trusted and respected their blog will be.


The best blogs will allow you to compare two or more pieces of electronics side by side. You'll clearly see the difference in price, the features offered, and depending on the product, sometimes size comes into play. Not all technology writers will put this on their blog, however the ones that do are taking their readers into account a little more than the ones that don't.


Even if you're not in the market to purchase a new toy, these blogs may be able to help you repair your old one. Technology writers are hoping that by saving you money by showing you how to repair your own gadgets, you'll reward them with some patronage and continue reading their blog, and maybe tell a friend or two about it.


It's only a matter of time before you become a technology writer yourself. By knowing the products and the markets well, you may be able to help dictate what needs to be done next.